Hydrogeology – Bernward hölting & Wilhelm G. Coldewey

- Versión 8
- Descargar 0
- Tamaño del archivo 19,5 MB
- Recuento de archivos 1
- Fecha de creación 1 de febrero de 2024
- Última actualización 1 de febrero de 2024
Hydrogeology - Bernward hölting & Wilhelm G. Coldewey
This hydrogeology book is the English translation of the German textbook “Hydrogeologie” by
Hölting and Coldewey. Published since 1980, this book is in its eighth edition. Its great success
is attributed to the concept of the book. It was important for the authors to write a text that is
generally easy to understand, both for experts and for persons who do not work in this special
field. Consistent use of the internationally accepted SI units as well as the formula symbols in
the text also contribute to the comprehensibility. All technical terms and their definitions match
the various standards and are used consistently. Moreover, the original literature citations were
completely revised in order to avoid misunderstandings and errors due to secondary sources.
All of these points improve the readability and facilitate the understanding of the relatively
complex concepts of general and applied hydrogeology.