Hydrogeology goundwater science and engineering – Alain Dassargues

- Versión 1
- Descargar 24
- Tamaño del archivo 12,3 MB
- Recuento de archivos 1
- Fecha de creación 1 de febrero de 2024
- Última actualización 1 de febrero de 2024
Hydrogeology goundwater science and engineering - Alain Dassargues
This text combines the science and engineering of hydrogeology in an accessible,
innovative style. As well as providing physical descriptions and characterizations of
hydrogeological processes, it also sets out the corresponding mathematical equations
for groundwater flow and solute/heat transport calculations. And, within this, the
methodological and conceptual aspects for flow and contaminant transport model-
ing are discussed in detail. This comprehensive analysis forms the ideal textbook for
graduate and undergraduate students interested in groundwater resources and engi-
neering, and indeed its analyses can apply to researchers and professionals involved
in the area.